Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Toronto is That way <- <-

So last night K and I went for our first official bike ride. I've been relearning how to ride (I still hold that it's possible to forget) - and this was supposed to be my first time doing more than just riding around the parking lot or around the track near Bathurst. And ride it was.
It all started quite nicely - we went through the burbs of Toronto - you know the neighbourhoods which have enough money to make you think that perhaps (if you had enough money for an actual front yard) Toronto wouldn't be such a bad place to live. K wanted to start me off on something easy instead of taking me up Casaloma or on one of the trails. around 9pm I suggested that we start heading home - I figured it was quite a ways and I didn't want to try out my night vision. So we started - heading home. We reached a nice biking path and started along it. it was quite scenic - a long stretch of road - few cars and lots of trees...
10 minutes after that K says "we should be reaching civilization soon"
"how come?"
"because we've been riding for quite a while"
10 minutes after that I say "we should be reaching civilization soon"
10 minutes after that we passed a grave yard....
and more trees
and more trees
(are you getting me?)
we have been singing to each other all this time - actually for the whole ride thus far "five hundred twentyfive thousand six hundred minutes?" (thanks C). we're singing loudly.
finally we come across two ladies - they are jogging towards us? K asks them how far the intersection is. they say to us "Toronto is that way". yeah - you got it right - the other way than we've been heading. The jogger continues: "I don't know what's that way - though there is an intersection".
K and I decide to continue to the intersection - in anycase - we can always turn back if need be.
yep, we needed to. especially when the bike way ended and highway began. about then K told me that she had no idea where we were....
We turned back. by now it was dark. we passed the Grave Yard again. (it was full moon too)(big and yellow)
Talked about Michael Jackson's Thriller, spiders (some of the tree branches were low). talked about how glad we were for street lights (they were few and far between - but at least they were there). and thought about being grabbed off the path by someone coming out of the dark trees (I later found out that K was having the exact thought - I'm glad neither of us voiced it then). We still sang - loudly.
needless to say we made it home safely (and have lived to tell the tale) and laugh at ourselves - two tourguides lost in Toronto.
K thinks I have cause to hate her and that I'll never ride with her again.
To that I say "what never ride again? the good times are only just beginning!"

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