Monday, April 04, 2005

rats spelled backwards is...... STAR!!!

a very MOKF day (moan on k's futon - day)
today I gave the worst presentation in the history of presentations - infact, you know what? it doesn't even deserve such merit...(even being spectacularly bad is a distinction - my piece deserved nothing of the sort). don't you hate it when you make a presentation (can I just say that fear of public speaking + too little preparation = disaster) and you spend the next 2 hours stressing about the things you didn't say [like the main point!] oh Talibah. *sigh*
but some good came of the day
1. the presentation is over and I don't have to stress about it anymore
2. I took a long walk (it was a brilliant day) and many neat things happened like......
*someone stuck a star on their window - it said "BAM!"
*I passed a leafless bow-bush - someone had industriously tied maroon bows on many of the branches
*someone said "mopeds are gay" and "spandex is gay.. especially full body spandex"
*there are buses running on the street car tracks - I don't know why (one of them read "Special")
*I had a conversation with a young man in the grocery store - we talked about bread (I knew the young man)
*I had a conversation with an old man in the grocery store - we talked about how expensive icecream is - I showed him a good inexpensive one to buy - he was grateful (I did not know the old man)
*I made up an ode to fresh bread ("Fresh Bread how I love thee - let me count the ways.... I love the way you smell..."etc)

so here's to sucky presentations, may they bring bright days.

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