Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Fire alarms and Midrifts

Today in the fire alarm went off during class. isn't it strange how reluctant people are to leave a building. We sat in class for about 5 minutes while the prof went to check whether or not we had to leave, then we gathered our things and strolled downstairs. Once, when I was at work we had to evacuate the building - it was the same tardy response - we waited 10 minutes while supervisors called the gaurds downstairs to check. When we had to get out (we were on the 9th floor and the elevators stopped so it was lots of walking) I was the first down... I don't know why other people never seem to have a huge sense of urgency - I don't know if it's that I'm just sensitive or others are insensitive. Like it makes me mad when pedestrians cross infront of an ambulance or fire truck, or when people don't just pull over - People!!! Seconds Matter!!!
I hope none of you guys are guilty of this. and hopefully now we'll all be more aware.
So we gathered outside to wait for the all clear, and I saw a girl with a super short jacket and a super short shirt - because I could see her midrift. now, today is warm... but not that warm - I know other people were wondering the same thing I was - isn't she cold?
When we got back to class - the fire trucks came and checked out the building and we still had 40 minutes of class remaining (we watched a really cool documentary on animals in the artic) - I had a moment of indecision - when you leave a class, take your stuff and return (as we did today) do you go back to the same seat you were in? especially if you sit in different seats every week - wouldn't taking your stuff signify the begining of new week sort of - and yet, I'm pretty sure that every one (or everyone I'd looked at anyways) went back to their own seat.. why is that? I know I went back because I didn't want anyone else to be mad at me for taking their seat... did everyone else think that?

1 comment:

sappho said...

that is one of the things that makes me feel absolutely awful, when people block ambulances or firetrucks (inadvertently - i'd hope no one would be horrid enough to do it ON PURPOSE, that's unthinkable!) i just want to cry, or be a superwoman and lift the vehicle blocking whatever rescue crew is on their way to try to help whoever (or whatever's) in trouble.

and i agree, isn't it really strange, people's *forced* lack of urgency when fire alarms go off? it's as if people are embarrassed to just get up and go, to obey the out-of-the-ordinary. they'd rather the fire alarm just went off so they could continue sitting in their seats and do whatever.

grrr i'm really tired and still sick and now i feel like this post is pointless. i hope the girl with the mid-riff showing didn't get chilled and catch cold. (whenever i see a tummy in wintertime i have this weird urge to run over and wrap my scarf around it. sometimes. i probably shouldn't have admitted that. oh well.)

by the way i posted some photos of my cat mishka on my blog. if you want to see what a scary cat she is feel free to take a look ;)

talk to you soon talibah!
