Monday, January 31, 2005

Thoughts while walking

  • What do people think about when they are walking down the street or when they're on a long bus ride with no book? I always wonder if they have serious thoughts or do they think about food (like I often do).
  • It's hard to keep your own voice when you read other people's stuff a lot.
  • who is HP? she/he (?) wrote a response to my first entry here, and neither C nor I have any idea who he/she is. we figure perhaps they linked me by my profile.. but they are unsearchable online, so Hp if you're listening (reading) reveal yourself to me (or just respond so I wouldn't be so freaked out) - something you said was very true - it is intimidating when you know you have an audience - I was kinda offset when I realised that more friends than the 2 I'd given my site to could read my entries... but it's turned out to be a good thing so far.
  • I ought to write in my journal (paper) more - it's being neglected and it's calming to put pen to paper - I miss it.
  • my hair is long enough to comb - oh dear.. I can't front anymore by pretending it's short.. what next? (Kailey would be sad if I cut it again but it's so much easier)
  • I really need to start this book I've been trying to start for the past week - It's called The Purpose Driven Life - but - ever the procrastinator I'm having difficulty putting (my foot to the pedal? the pedal to the metal? what is the phrase?)... starting, though I'm excited to start. I'll start soon.
  • I must email "Molls" I wonder what she's up to.
  • oh dear, I couldn't stay awake in my Canadian Wilderness class today though it was very interesting - I guess that's what happens when you have 4 hours sleep for no good reason.
  • Ella Enchanted is a good book so far, I think I'll read some more later.
  • There is Something there.

those are many of my thoughts today as I walked along. here's a bit of weather talk - it was a beautiful day in that it wasn't too cold ("warm" by Canada Standards that is... my fellow bajans would be cringing to hear me say that -1 C is warm).


p.s. maybe I should change my name to Tulip - that's the suggestion that the spell check makes every time I write an entry.


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