Saturday, May 05, 2007

May the 4th be with you

I know it's actually May the 5th but I didn't get the chance to come onto blogger yesterday - and otherwise I'll have to wait a whole year!!
ok. now that that's off my chest.
I'm all done exams!!!
(well, technically, it's probably just until I go back to school next year - but saying 'forever' feels soo good!). so I've just been trying to sublet my place (so if you know anyone looking for a room for the summer, send her to me please!). Oh, the people I've met - but sadly no takers so far - everyone wants to sign the lease for the whole year - which is not possible. sigh*
ok. that's all for now - I know - quite an unsatisfactory blog, considering I haven't written in so long - but I have to go outside and enjoy the sunshine. talk soon.