Tuesday, February 27, 2007

(to borrow lovely C's first line...)

"Today, I
laughed so hard I cried (and spontaneously too - no giddy build up, was taken completely by surprise). It was awesome."
(taken from C's post Feb 9th)

I couldn't say it better myself - so I just copied and pasted (C, I hope you don't mind)...
oh my goodness! I just had such a good laugh I'm tired. And I totally didn't expect it. Have you seen Little Miss Sunshine? I'm not recommending it by any means - but I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. (I'm still laughing).

Today, I also - looked for someone that I can't see...
don't ask me how or why. because I don't know. I just wish I could see them. Silly me.


Thursday, February 15, 2007


I keep on looking at my blog expecting to see a new post. I know this might sound a little odd - well - (I actually do it all the time and have mentioned doing it before) - but this time it's true... I'm sure that I made a new post the other day... but I can't seem to find it. so then the question is - has it been lost in cyber space?? or did I just imagine writing it???
perhaps one day I'll know - though probably not..
otherwise - I have nothing to report. I actually do have a recent-ish post on Tom tales (which I did indeed write and which did indeed show up...) so you can take a look and let me know your opinions on the situation.
I hope you all had a good day yesterday - and weren't to bogged down by - expectations, disappointments or distractions. I heard several people refer to it as "Singles Awareness Day" - an idea which I like - but I don't like that it spells - SAD. because I'm not sad on that day! (although I must admit - I'm mostly indignant on it).
I hope you felt the love from somewhere, anywhere - whether it be from cats, dogs, shovelling snow, old people or friends. And just incase no-one said it to you let me say it now: I LOVE YOU!(insert your name here, I'll insert the names of my regular readers: Spart, Sappho, C, Hun, Tulip) :)

ok. got to run. wish me luck on my presentation this afternoon. I'm trying power-point for the first time!!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Full Moon

today, prompted by a random question from a friend - this is how I described my feeling
"my water flows - and ebbs and ebbs and flows - with the moon... today I am full - with the moon"

do you know that feeling? when you feel full to overflowing? to bursting - not necessarily in a bad way - just full - of emotion - of hope - of fear - of dreams....of love to give....
