Friday, July 20, 2007

I miss (from June 22)

June 22
I miss…
I miss:Tom
So I: watch the cows across the street – they like themselves on their sides

I miss: Grey’s anatomy
So I: wonder if all my friends who are now doctors (about 4 of them!) experience anything remotely similar to it.

I miss: a variety of fruit for a reasonable price
So I: drown my sorrows in mangos which are in abundant supply (my pee turned dark yellow, I wonder if that’s related)

the cows lick themselves - although I'm sure they like themselves too. And just for the record - cows lick themselves in a totally different way from cats - or at least I haven't yet seen a cow sitting on its rump with it's back leg over its head!


how you doing? i'm well. Saturday went well. all of my old group showed except for what's his name. So I got to see lots of familiar faces. and at first it was kinda odd and awkward and you could feel that people were trying to figure out what sorts of things to say to each other because everyone was just a bit different - but later on we were laughing and joking like old times. What's his name didn't come because he wasn't told about it - I'd asked a friend to tell him and my friend forgot. I felt really worried and bad because he's the only one of our 15 person group that didn't know....
oh well.
I really didn't do it on purpose (but you know I griped about it for hours)and then worried about it for more hours. I won't be calling him to explain, it's really not such a big deal. and if it is, who cares?! I shouldn't!
here's a line from my journal that day (after thinking about it for hours):
" You know there are some people that fade into the distance and you just hear about them occasionally? Sometimes I wish I could be one of those people to myself.... and not have to live with me every single moment: I think a lot."
Anyways - I had a good day, the water was bee-oo-tiful. I'm going to try to stop obsessing about when I'll bump into him. *shakes head, sighs*

Friday, July 13, 2007

(belated) Triple O seven

Hi Everyone!!
I'm here.
I've been meaning to write since last friday - the day before Triple O-7. I thought it was a fantastic name for a blog (given that the date was going to be the 7th of July 2007, or 07-07-'07... and double O-7 was HOT - so I heard)..
but alas, I didn't have a moment to write and sadly it wont come around again......
anyways. it was a good day. I hung out with SJ and we went to the beach!!!
that's right - BEACH~!!!~
because I now reside in Barbados, the beautiful Island in the Sun ("willed to me by my father's hand") (none of you know that song, probably - but it's like our official island song - the not-quite-national anthem).
things with me here are going well. I'm have a moment to write because i'm at the library waiting for my sister. yes - the library - but just so we're clear - I now work at the library - so I get paid to spend all my time here - it's pretty sweet. :)
I have few funny library stories. but right now I'm in more of a reflective mood. so I will reflect instead. Tomorrow I'm throwing a thing at the beach. It's in an effort to see as many familiar faces as possible. I haven't been seeing a whole lot in the past month and I'm starting to feel it. Tomorrow is a significant day because it happens to be the anniversary of our graduation from Secondary School - so I've extended the invitation to the entire class (though I only called about 15 of the 135 - haha!). It's also a significant day for me - because it's kinda like my birth-day... or rather, my life-day.
It's the day I felt..... "alive - for the very first time" (sort of)
that was actually an entire year to the day before my graduation day. That was the day I found myself to be in love (for the very first time). That was exactly 7 years ago to the day.
I write it out now because - well - because it's no longer a "special day sacred only to me" (and him sorta). I write about it because so much has changed and it's time to move on. (I almost wrote sorta again in brackets - but no, this time the moving on has to be complete.)
There were sweet moments, such sweet moments. I hope everyone of you reading this post has been in love at some point - because it can be *Sweet*.
I've been reading over my old journals. The first time we told each other "I love you" I grinned for the rest of the week - I even did jigs for no reason on the way home from church, I was perfectly ridiculous.
I learned so much. I grew in ways I never imagined I could grow. But I think the biggest lesson I learned had to do with fear. I used to be so afraid to love completely - and rightly so - it's a powerful thing and a very vulnerable position to be in. but this is what John says on the matter

18There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. (1John 4:18)

So when I read this I thought that the fear would go away. But instead I had to learn to give it away - To God. He is the one that loves us perfectly. And what's more, I had to learn to give it away as many times as it came back - because it did come back.
So, I'm glad I learned that. I'm glad I grew in that. I don't regret a moment of it.
I hope you are well my friends. I'll let you know how tomorrow goes (when I possibly see him - for the first time in 4 years...we'll see how well I've moved on..)
I love you all.
I miss you.

Monday, June 11, 2007


so in my last post I said I was having an 'off' past 24 hours ('off' as in crazy laughing). this is what set me 'off' -
I had some of the most amazing turkey yesterday at dinner. I restrained myself, only having one piece and another forkful - though I wanted soo much more. What I liked best about it was that it was succulent, and meaty, and I was sure to eat all the fat (mmm...fat..).
Later, this is a short convo I had with my dear not so long distance long distance roommate.

  • me: wow, that dinner was really good, that was some of the best turkey I've ever tasted!!!
  • spart: umm, that wasn't turkey, it was pork.
  • me: really???!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAAAAA! that's why it was so good!!!
hahahahahahaa etc

(I'm laughing still). I'm glad I'm not Jewish (or some other form of Kosher) because I would not have thought to ask - thinking it was turkey.
crazy laughter, on top of Kangaroo squares plus chocolate plus raisins (think sugar + sugar +more sugar) is not a good combination - or rather, it is too good a combination. hahahahahahahaa.


I'm feeling itchy, and prompted by my longdistance roomate who is currently not so long a distance away as I am sleeping in her bed (!!) (I had to add that!!) - (don't worry folks it's all G-rated - she's opted for the couch) - to write a blog (phew that was a longggg sentence), so I will write one. Though I cannot vouch for my sanity as I write since I've been having an 'off' past 24 hours (not 'off' as in bad - off as in mad - the crazy laughing kind).
'Itchy' the description I used at the beginning of the blog has a variety of definitions - it could mean for instance
  1. I've sat outside without bug repellent and have been attacked by bugs, and since I seem to have developed some sort of allergy/sensitivity to mosquitoes in the past year, I itch (as in itch itch scratch scratch) for the next 2 weeks... (a sensitivity which I'm hoping to lose on my return to the tropical isle since there are many mosquitoes there and it would be a shame to be permanently itchy).
  2. restless - as in I want to do something but I don't quite know what
  3. antsy - as in I don't want to be doing what I'm doing but would rather be doing something else somewhere else, though what and where are often unclear.
  4. hot and bothered (nuff said) (pardon my frankness).
  5. itchy inside - which is hard to explain but which comes about when I've eaten too much of something though I know not what exactly, though generally I feel better the next day.
  6. one letter short of bitchy - which is exactly that - but which I, thankfully, don't feel too frequently anymore... or at least I don't think I do, maybe I do but have forgotten it - my close friends would be a better judge than I... in any case - I certainly used to experience this particular form of itchyness when I was a teenager (something about moodiness and going through 'that phase').
  7. like screaming and dancing and running around (clothes not optional since I currently live with a never nudist - haha).

Ok. now that I've described and defined, let me clarify: currently I'm feeling somewhere around definitions 2 and 7.

how are you feeling today?


Monday, June 04, 2007

small talk/goodbyes/I love you's

so I wanted to see something new when I looked at my blog so I thought I'd write a note to say hey.
* * *
how's it going?
it's ok with me.
I'm all moved out of Toronto...officially, gave up the keys and everything. staying at my favourite long-distance roommate... and waiting for graduation - convocation - d(done)-day. the end of undergrad at uni.
yeah, moving out was ok - crazy busy saying goodbye to everyone.
yeah, I know! I hate goodbyes. I much rather I love you's but sometimes I'm so busy being sad about saying goodbye I forget to say I love you. which leaves me feeling more sad afterwards, so sometimes I whisper it after people and then it's as if I've said it to them and I feel a bit better.
* * *

so, incase I forget to say I love you, I'll say it now to you guys - I LOVE YOU!
I wanted to write out a special blog saying nice things about everyone- but instead I'll just write the shortened version. I'll write out a word that matches with each of my readers (well, the ones I know about) - and if you see one you like you can apply it to yourself. part of the inspiration comes from 13 letters (found on the blogs of shopgirl and spart) .... but then I thought - I'd like to write only nice things ... and then I thought I'd pair it up with names - or at least specifics so that people could guess who they are ... and then I thought - what if someone feels putout or jealous about someone else's word ... so this way you can choose the one you like best and think that it applies to you - in fact - feel free to choose more than one.

fun and frank
mostly kind/witty(sharp)
flipping amazing/hardcore

hope you saw a word you liked. just for the record (and to see if I've missed anyone/don't know who reads my blog) - the people I was thinking about (in no particular order) are Hun, Sappho, C, Shopgirl, molly, Spart, sweets, tulip (I couldn't think of a word for myself - but I did see several I liked), Nat (I know she doesn't read my blog, but I couldn't leave her out)... so if u haven't seen your name could you please comment and I'll be sure to respond with a word for you (and if I don't know you the word might be 'creepy' - haha).
I heart you all dear readers.

ps- incase you were counting - I did throw in some extra words that fit, afterall- how can you describe some people in one word??
pps - on second reading I realise that most of these words could apply to all of you lovely ladies at some point in time :).

Saturday, May 05, 2007

May the 4th be with you

I know it's actually May the 5th but I didn't get the chance to come onto blogger yesterday - and otherwise I'll have to wait a whole year!!
ok. now that that's off my chest.
I'm all done exams!!!
(well, technically, it's probably just until I go back to school next year - but saying 'forever' feels soo good!). so I've just been trying to sublet my place (so if you know anyone looking for a room for the summer, send her to me please!). Oh, the people I've met - but sadly no takers so far - everyone wants to sign the lease for the whole year - which is not possible. sigh*
ok. that's all for now - I know - quite an unsatisfactory blog, considering I haven't written in so long - but I have to go outside and enjoy the sunshine. talk soon.

Monday, April 09, 2007

On Wisdom

The other day in Swahili we read a story about knowledge vs wisdom.
It went something like this:

There were 3 learned men. They were very well educated and had a lot of knowledge. They had a friend who was not as educated - but who was very wise. One day the 3 men decided to go for a walk in the jungle in the hope of finding some way to show their knowledge. 2 of the men did not want to invite their wise friend. They looked down on him because he had little education. But the third man said "lets invite him" so the others agreed.
When they were walking in the jungle they found the skin and bones of a lion. The 3 learned men said to each other - "we can bring this lion back to life" - they thought to themselves it would show their knowledge and skill. But the wise friend warned them that it was not a smart thing to do. They did not listen to him - so he climbed up a tree.
The first man but the bones together.
The second man put the skin over the bones.
The third brought the lion back to life.
No sooner had the lion come alive than it ate them!
only the wise man was safe.

that great story got me thinking about things. Wisdom is difficult to come by these days. Our mwalimu (professor) often shares his opinions and lessons from his own life (eg a woman can ask a man why he took so long - but a man should NEVER ask a woman that!!). Sometimes he shares opinions which may be considered offensive. He is not being offensive, or discriminatory. He is teaching us. Some people get upset but I'm really glad that he does this. So many teachers are soo afraid to be offensive that they go tooo far the other direction - and never teach anything outside of their subject. So that instead of there being a dialogue, a selection of opinions with which we can interact, and learn from - there is only a silence surrounding our academic subjects. And since older members of the society hardly interact with the younger ones there is little wisdom sharing outside of the classroom (when's the last time you had story telling time with your grandparents or parents or older next door neighbours??)....
so the question is
where can we get wisdom??

since I'm talking about sharing our wisdom, I'll share what the Bible says about where Wisdom comes from

Job says (Job28:20-28)
"Where then does wisdom come from? Where does understanding come from?
It is hidden from the eyes of every living thing...
God understands the way to it and he alone knows where it dwells...
And he said to man,
'The fear of the Lord - that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding.'"


Monday, March 12, 2007


  • Oh frozen mushrooms and red pepper (thought after discovering that I had put my vegetables into the freezer instead of the fridge - can you tell I'm tired?? and the night is just beginning)

  • Oh the smell of unwashed student bodies (thought as I entered Robarts)

  • Oh to a nice computer screen (the one I'm using right now is stellar! I rushed to get it and then realised belately I had given up a seat next to a good lucking guy!! lol - you can see where my mind is! or isn't!)

(a long night ahead of me in Robarts...... ohoho.....)


ps. when I discovered the vegetables I had a good laugh, put them back into the freezer, then left for the library. Does anyone know if frozen mushrooms are any good to cook?

Friday, March 09, 2007


So I checked out this website that told me what my birthdate means. I should first clarify that I am often sceptical about such things - I don't believe in horoscopes etc - the stars don't determine my destiny - God does - and on some things He lets me decide...
but still - after seeing *shopgirl's post about it - I thought - "gee, her birthday matches me so well (I'm all about the down time for recharging! and helping others) that I don't think mine could match me better".. so I checked mine out. tell me what you think.

what does your birthdate mean?
You are an island. You don't need anyone else to make you happy.
And though you see yourself as a loner, people are drawn to you.
Deep and sensitive, you tend to impress others with your insights.
You also tend to be psychic - so listen to that inner voice!

Your strength: Your self sufficiency
Your weakness: You despise authority
Your power color: Maroon
Your power symbol: Hammer
Your power month: July

things that creeped me out -
  • I don't think maroon is my power colour (I don't even know what a power colour is!) but I happen to be wearing a maroon scarf right now.
  • my best friend was just asking me this morning where I get my confidence from - I was explaining that it has to do with the fact that I don't care what others think. I definitely see myself as a loner.

things that didn't creep me out/I disagree with outright/made me laugh -

  • I am not an island - but I am from an island! (I had to read over the first sentence twice to make sure it wasn't saying the latter)
  • I do have an inner voice - but I am definitely not psychic - although some might say I'm psychotic!!! haha - I'm kidding (but sometimes I do talk back to that inner voice).
  • I would say my self-sufficiency is more of a weakness than a strength - it means that I don't ask for help when I need it.
  • I do not despise authority. On the contrary - I like it - I like the idea of a benevolent, intelligent leader - kinda like a roof protecting me from the storm. But I must admit - I do question those in authority. I've been brought up to question almost everything ... leaders are humans too... so I suppose that some would say that's being disrespectful of authority - I think of it as being smart!
  • I don't like hammers - whether or not it's my" power symbol" (whatever that may mean) they kinda scare me - such violent tools! you could hurt your finger!

(heart) tulip

Friday, March 02, 2007

Sounds like

Spring :)
early this morning as I sat by my window writing and reading I heard a sound. At first I was annoyed because it sounded like a clock ticking (and I'm not big on ticking clocks - or dripping taps) - it turns out, what I heard was indeed a ticking or a dripping - but a much welcome one. Because it was the sound of snow melting!
what a wonderful sound.
When I left the house I stopped by the gate to observe two streams (little brooks) running down the middle of the street in the tracks left by tires. Two happy jets of water rushing down the road.
On my way to the library I passed quite a few more. I walked through the puddles happily soaking in the sunshine and the fresh air. I didn't even mind when my toes got wet (that's what I get for walking through puddles!).
I just thought I'd share.
get out side and enjoy it!
(heart) tulip

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

(to borrow lovely C's first line...)

"Today, I
laughed so hard I cried (and spontaneously too - no giddy build up, was taken completely by surprise). It was awesome."
(taken from C's post Feb 9th)

I couldn't say it better myself - so I just copied and pasted (C, I hope you don't mind)...
oh my goodness! I just had such a good laugh I'm tired. And I totally didn't expect it. Have you seen Little Miss Sunshine? I'm not recommending it by any means - but I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. (I'm still laughing).

Today, I also - looked for someone that I can't see...
don't ask me how or why. because I don't know. I just wish I could see them. Silly me.


Thursday, February 15, 2007


I keep on looking at my blog expecting to see a new post. I know this might sound a little odd - well - (I actually do it all the time and have mentioned doing it before) - but this time it's true... I'm sure that I made a new post the other day... but I can't seem to find it. so then the question is - has it been lost in cyber space?? or did I just imagine writing it???
perhaps one day I'll know - though probably not..
otherwise - I have nothing to report. I actually do have a recent-ish post on Tom tales (which I did indeed write and which did indeed show up...) so you can take a look and let me know your opinions on the situation.
I hope you all had a good day yesterday - and weren't to bogged down by - expectations, disappointments or distractions. I heard several people refer to it as "Singles Awareness Day" - an idea which I like - but I don't like that it spells - SAD. because I'm not sad on that day! (although I must admit - I'm mostly indignant on it).
I hope you felt the love from somewhere, anywhere - whether it be from cats, dogs, shovelling snow, old people or friends. And just incase no-one said it to you let me say it now: I LOVE YOU!(insert your name here, I'll insert the names of my regular readers: Spart, Sappho, C, Hun, Tulip) :)

ok. got to run. wish me luck on my presentation this afternoon. I'm trying power-point for the first time!!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Full Moon

today, prompted by a random question from a friend - this is how I described my feeling
"my water flows - and ebbs and ebbs and flows - with the moon... today I am full - with the moon"

do you know that feeling? when you feel full to overflowing? to bursting - not necessarily in a bad way - just full - of emotion - of hope - of fear - of dreams....of love to give....


Friday, January 19, 2007

Small talk

how you do?
...things with me are fine.
the wind was crazy today! I didn't wear my hat - I thought my head would freeze!
..... yeah, I know! I have to be more careful with that.
so, What did you get up to last night?
.... Oh yeah? that must have been delicious! I really like when it's covered in cheese! (smile)mmmmm.
I didn't do much. I went to Swahili. It was ok. Then I made couscous. the expiry date was on wednesday - but it still tasted fine... I hope it's ok to eat it today too.
....yeah, I know!
oh, tonight I'm going to Gospel choir. how about you?
.....oh. ok. that should be fun. I hope you enjoy it.
(random conversation with no one in particular - in my head)

Saturday, January 13, 2007

The things I take for granted

It always amazes me when I realise the things that I've been taking for granted.
like self-esteem.
I always forget about self-esteem, self-confidence...etc. It's partly because I'm seldom in situations where I feel I need to show any of it!lol.. but that's also because even when I am in such a situation I don't notice that I'm using it. do you know what I mean?
like my body. or the clothes I wear. I can walk out the door wearing whatever (pajamas spart?!... we classified "dressing up" as wearing jeans! lol) and not worry about what people think of me (it also helps that I live in Toronto and I don't think people actually ever see me unless they've just run into'm lucky if I remember to comb my hair before I leave the house!! or look in the mirror...!)(ok. that's one of the benefits of University which I will have to put to rest when I go to work, especially in Barbados where people aren't afraid to tell you how you!)
but seriously. I always feel slightly surprised when I speak to someone who has to think about all those things (and make up, and stylish clothing and shoes! and hairstyle, and all those extra trappings that people use - not because they want to but because they feel they have to). My sister used to say that it was only because I wasn't (insert negative subjective comment here: eg ugly.....). but then I would shrug and argue that no one is (ugly)...(it's all subjective!) (although I must take a moment to say that I am truly stunning and gorgeous!!! lol).
I think it's partly that I don't see myself in my surroundings. I don't really notice things like my (height/complexion/size/dress/hair) because for one - I can't see myself 99% of the time (I don't carry around a mirror)!
(and if anyone has a problem with my hair they can come and comb it for me!!lol)

I guess I'm just writing to say that this is one more thing for me to be thankful for. I suspect it has something to do with my dad - he was always telling me I was beautiful and intelligent :)... or maybe not - I don't actually remember now... in any case, he always listened to me, and let me know that he valued my presence - which is enough to make anyone feel important, intelligent and yes - even beautiful. I hope I can do the same for any child of mine.

And for those of you lacking it - I hope you can find it in the encouraging smile of that beautiful person who wakes up with you every day... you know...the one in the mirror!
you are important! and special! and loved by God! and by me!

I'm thankful for my self esteem!

(heart) tulip

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Go Shorty! it's your T-DAY!!!

happy birthday to me!!!!

(24 thoughts of gratitude)

I'm grateful for 24 years.
I'm grateful that I could spend the day with one of my best friends.
I'm grateful for the knowledge that my Father God has been with me for every one of my birthdays! and has loved me even before birth!!
I'm grateful for health.
I'm grateful for delicious food (Can we say Dimitries??!!!!)
I'm grateful for friends.
I'm grateful for family.
I'm grateful for the freedom to serve the Lord and practise my own religion without secrecy.
I'm grateful for cookies.
I'm grateful for the ability to write my thoughts.
I'm grateful for the opportunity to share my thoughts with others.
I'm grateful for others to share my thoughts too (thanks you guys!!)
I'm grateful for the ability to read!
I'm grateful for a bed and a warm house.
I'm grateful for warm clothing.
I'm grateful to be in CANADA - a wonderful country!!
I'm grateful to be going home to BARBADOS some day soon - also a wonderful country.
I'm grateful for good dreams.
I'm grateful for chocolate.
I'm grateful for happy memories.
I'm grateful for bad dreams and unhappy memories (sometimes they make you appreciate the good ones even more!)
I'm grateful for friends that stick by my non-communicitivity(!??! it's my birthday - I can invent at least one word!)
I'm grateful for the ability to learn.... and relearn... and learn some more!!
I'm grateful for second chances.. and third chances!!

I'm grateful for 24 years!! and I'm grateful for you, dear reader!

love, tulip

Monday, January 01, 2007

2006 - Staying Connected

What I like about Christmas in Canada -


...... except this year there was no snow.
I must admit - that though I enjoy the warmth - I now understand a bit why so many people insist on a white Christmas. the entire atmosphere is different. the sounds are different - blanketed - quiet - soft. I enjoy that quiet excited feeling that comes with snow.
What I like about Christmas anywhere - celebrating the birth of Christ - He's pretty universal that way :). I like going back to the wonder of a virgin birth - the Joy of the birth of HOPE, and hearing the story (the history...his-story) over and over again.

what I don't like about the "Holiday season" is the shopping culture - I don't like feeling pressured to buy and accept gifts - that really people don't use or need! so this year I was happy with the way my family handled it - see below.

What is something me and my family do -
this year my aunt and cousins cancelled "Christmas". we did spend the day together - but no gifts, no extra trappings, decorations; just good food and good company - it was great!!! the best I've had a long time.

What was the food like?
well, this year - the young ladies ("kids") got together and we did the baking. we made extremely yummy coconut swirl brownies - if you like coconut and chocolate it's like a collision of HAPPINESS!!!!! we also made "soft and chewy" chocolate chip cookies (can we say YUM??!!!); dried fruit bars and chocolate cake!! then my aunt made dinner - Crabslegs, smoked turkey, fish, seasonsed rice, stuffing (I'm a lover I admit), asparagus {you haven't had asparagus until you've had it by my aunt:)}.

looking back on 2006

I'm ashamed to admit it - but I really don't want to look back on it. Or think about the things I would change. ... I'd change so much. don't get me wrong - it wasn't bad... but I'm excited for 2007!
to mention the good stuff - it would be living with my favourite (now) long distance roommate (who only became long distance in september). I enjoyed shamelessly enjoying the OC, s'mores and countless other guilty pleasures. I laugh when I think about us. Had it just been one person doing the things we did, they may have been called 'antisocial' or 'odd' - but two's company! so we had a good time.
stuff I'd change would be relationship wise I guess. I'd be a bit more decisive and more cautious with my feelings, emotions, actions.
how have I changed? I think I've learned a lot about myself this year - I haven't neccesarily grown stronger - but I've recognised strength in myself (which always makes a person stronger!). God has been teaching me so many things that I'm only excited about what I'll learn in 2007 and excited about what will happen. (excited, and I must admit - terrified - but I'm working on letting Him handle the fear).

looking forward to 2007
I graduate this year!!!!! very exciting!
and after that is a huge ledge from which I will jump (and fly!) - that's how I feel about the future right now - I have no idea what's in it. .. but at least I know who holds the future :)
what do I want to happen? I want to go to Barbados for a bit and soak in as much sun, sand and salt water as is humanly possible (don't worry - I'll be sure to apply sunscreen). will I stay there? I don't know - as I said - currently the future is an unknown (a sort of blank - in the way that a canvas is blank - and mostly inspiring).

new year’s resolution
to be more disciplined... who am I kidding .... to be disciplined!! you know - keep all those resolutions I've made for the past several years (you know the usual suspects: exercise, journalling, constructive reading, spiritual discipline)... I've decided that discipline is the biggest thing lacking - so I'll work on that

I just want to take a moment to say HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I wish all you ladies (and male readers that I don't know about) a safe and prosperous 2007.
I've enjoyed reading your blogs, learning your thoughts and staying connected for the past year - as the new year takes me into the unknown I hope we can all keep in touch and remain a supportive community.:)

(heart) tulip