Monday, May 30, 2005

happiness is blogging

I just spent half an hour reading other peoples blogs. I feel inspired, I feel very strongly that things take on a surreal quality when they are written properly (or when your walking down the street at 10pm and your tired). Even real life events - that you've witnessed - that you did! they all becomes unreal, important even - sometimes anyways.
Just now I was walking down the street and I saw a little girl walking a few metres behind her mother. suddenly a seagull swooped down... I paused, watching, holding my breath - for a second the seagull looked so much bigger than the girl, for a second I had visions of the mother turning around to the screams of her little girl as she is carried through the air, her white skirt fluttering around her knees... only for a second - then the gull swooped up and I knew that it was only my imagination getting all excited with no outlet....
happiness really is blogging.
(heart) tulip

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


long time no write. been - living I guess. finished exams - weeks ago now. finished moving and unpacking (weeks ago now), looking for a summer job (tell your know - the ones that can pull strings?!), just breathing....
I have a funny story for today - almost as funny as boiling radishes. are you folks ready for this? yesterday I sent in a random application to a job on the student careers website. It had to do with environmental management - it was past the deadline - but I figured - what the heck - it'll be good practice. So today I get a phone call asking me if I'm still interested in the position. The lady sounded surprised when I said that I was, and we set up a telephone interview (I knew they're based outside of T.O. but I had no idea where exactly... was I in for a surprise)....Cochrane Ontario - the location of the position (for those of you who aren't already laughing at me for not checking before applying) is 10 hours north of T.O. - it's further than Timmins (K's former home - which we visited just this weekend - K's family is great but it sure is far...). K tried to deter me with stories of black flies and bears.. I would not be shaken - but eventually I remembered that I have a commitment (I volunteer with little babies) and though it's just volunteering - it's a commitment none the I'm saved. but still kinda sad (amist the laughter at myself) because it would have been an experience. I wondered why the lady sounded so surprised.

here's to life as me - never a dull moment