Tuesday, February 22, 2005

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAF!(come on everyone, join in!)

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday dear Sa-af,
Happy birthday to you.

(and many more)

love, tulip

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Constantly checking my blog... (reminds me of that song "Constant Cravings")

I'm currently taking a 40 day rest from msn webmessenger. it's actually been fine so far - but I think that has something to do with the fact that I've simply replaced webtalk with blogging, so that now I check my blog (and other peoples blogs - guys, why haven't you written anything???!!!!) at least twice a day. sad, I know.
by the way, on Monday I discovered the illusive illusions of the Canadian Wilderness -which I was quite happy about.
I read today about life views - the question is - how do you see life? or how do you see your life? what is your life metaphor (e.g life is like a journey)? and I realised that I don't have a life metaphor - which is probably just as well. though if I had to make one up it would probably be that life is an adventure, and the way I account for this is that (especially when I was in high school, but even to this day) I try to carry everything in my bag, or rather - something for just about every occasion because you never know when you'll need deodorant, or a watch pin...... (for those of you who know me you may have noticed that I often carry a [large] backpack, I've tried to stop - I can't help it!) And if you've ever cooked with me - you'll see that I'm into (culinary) adventures :)
(maybe I can generate some dialog, and have something to read next time I check my blog.. hint hint....) so tell me, how do you see life? and why?

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Darn illusive Wilderness Illusions (Straighten up and Fly Right)

so I'm supposed to be writing an essay on illusions addressed in my readings on Canadian Wilderness... illusions?!! huh? of all the abstract... ("so and so, dot, dot....") things on which to write. this last peice is giving me heck.. really, I keep just seeing it, and then it disappears.. I'm half tempted to write that the piece itself is an illusion and that's why I can't find the stupid point.. grrrr.....
I saw what's-his-name at the library tonight - this makes 3 Sundays in a row - I'm beginning to think it's more than coincidence on his part (though admittedly we are both students and the library is our home....) but he only ever has surface talk for me... ahhhk frustrating guys! and I am left to wonder - is he not interested or does he just not get it???? Sometimes I think that guys just play dumb.. it's just a farce they use when they can't think of a nice way to make things clear - so they let us do it, or let us get fed up and leave.... grrrr....
grrrrr.... (that felt so good I thought I'd say it again).
wish me luck in finding the illusive point for my essay.

p.s Natalie Cole, eh... amazing!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Fire alarms and Midrifts

Today in the fire alarm went off during class. isn't it strange how reluctant people are to leave a building. We sat in class for about 5 minutes while the prof went to check whether or not we had to leave, then we gathered our things and strolled downstairs. Once, when I was at work we had to evacuate the building - it was the same tardy response - we waited 10 minutes while supervisors called the gaurds downstairs to check. When we had to get out (we were on the 9th floor and the elevators stopped so it was lots of walking) I was the first down... I don't know why other people never seem to have a huge sense of urgency - I don't know if it's that I'm just sensitive or others are insensitive. Like it makes me mad when pedestrians cross infront of an ambulance or fire truck, or when people don't just pull over - People!!! Seconds Matter!!!
I hope none of you guys are guilty of this. and hopefully now we'll all be more aware.
So we gathered outside to wait for the all clear, and I saw a girl with a super short jacket and a super short shirt - because I could see her midrift. now, today is warm... but not that warm - I know other people were wondering the same thing I was - isn't she cold?
When we got back to class - the fire trucks came and checked out the building and we still had 40 minutes of class remaining (we watched a really cool documentary on animals in the artic) - I had a moment of indecision - when you leave a class, take your stuff and return (as we did today) do you go back to the same seat you were in? especially if you sit in different seats every week - wouldn't taking your stuff signify the begining of new week sort of - and yet, I'm pretty sure that every one (or everyone I'd looked at anyways) went back to their own seat.. why is that? I know I went back because I didn't want anyone else to be mad at me for taking their seat... did everyone else think that?